“All-loving Father, Philanthropist Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Triune God One in essense, I thank You for the providence You have shown even today for me, an unworthy sinner. Please help me to understand Your love, so that my own heart may also be able to love You, as much as possible, according to the power You grant me.
All-good God, eternal Redeemer, I confess that I am unworthy to host within me the Fire of Divinity, our Lord Jesus Christ, but according to Your promise, “he who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him,” please make me worthy and abide in me and I in You. Have mercy on me, O Lord, and open my heart to receive You completely, without being able to contain anything else.
Be my king and rule the ship of my life according to Your will. Make me Your holy temple, where the holiness of Your Holy Name will be accomplished. Burn with incorruptible fire my sins, the thorns of passions, free me from the desires of the flesh and grant me the fruit of Your Holy Spirit.
Make me worthy to confess to You in joy, to seek You in fear, to obey You with faith and love. And with one word, grant me the gifts that you grant to everyone who comes with faith and receives You within him, the life according to Christ, the glory of God on earth and the Salvation of men. Through the intercessions of the Most Holy Theotokos, and all Your Saints. Amen.”
Monk Ioannikios of Mount Athos
Journal of the Holy Monastery of St. Gregory of Mount Athos “St. Gregory” period 2, year 2006, no. 31