Aromatic mixture of herbs organically grown by the monks of the Holy Monastery of Simonopetra in Mount Athos.
Beneficial properties: A strongly aromatic and especially beneficial herbal blend, due to its heating, perspirant and anti-influenza properties, that will accompany you throughout the winter. In summer, put it in the fridge and enjoy it as a cool drink.
Ingredients: basil, rosemary, dittany, mint, purple coneflower, thyme, lemon verbena, marjoram, lemon balm, mint, oregano, stevia, hyssop, sage, silver linden.
Use: Cut the herbs in small pieces and mix them into a jar in which you could store the aromatic mixture. To prepare the drink, add a teaspoon of the mixture in a cup of boiled water and leave it covered for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink.
Precautions - Contraindications: The above information is not medical advice nor substitute advice of another health care professional. They are provided for information only. Do not stop any other medical care recommendations without consulting your doctor.
Net weight: 40 g.