Aged serigraph with Saint Panteleimon, crafted on canvas with blue background, on natural wood. At the bottom, there is a prayer to the Saint in Greek. The icon can be hung on a wall or placed on a flat surface with the stand included.
Αθλοφόρε Άγιε, και ιαματικέ Παντελεήμον, πρέσβευε τω ελεήμονι Θεώ, ίνα πταισμάτων άφεσιν, παράσχη ταις ψυχαίς ημών.
A Great Martyr and medicinal, originated from Nicomedia; his father was a rich pagan and his mother was a Christian. Saint Panteleimon was a doctor, but he healed miraculously without getting payed or asking for materialistic rewards. He was beheaded during Maximianus era in 305 AD. Saint Panteleimon celebrates on July 27th.