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Theotokos Pantanassa - Holy Monastery of Vatopedi

Theotokos Pantanassa - Holy Monastery of Vatopedi

The holy and miracle-working icon of the Virgin Mary was brought to the Vatopedi monastery by the blessed elder Joseph from Nea Skete. The first record of the icon\'s miraculous powers is from the witness of Elder Joseph. One day a young man from Cyprus went to visit and entered into the church. At that point, the elder witnessed a glowing light radiating from the face of the Theotokos and an invisible power pushed the young man down to the ground. When the young man had recovered from his fall, he began to repent and weep and confessed that he did not believe and was a participant in the black arts. He changed his life and became an Orthodox Christian.

This icon is also known for working many miracles, especially healing people with cancer. There are many recent records of people who have been healed from cancer after participating in the Supplicatory Canon to the Pantanassa at the monastery.

There are many miracles also occurring in Russia, where two identical copies of the Vatopedi icon were sent at the request of the Patriarch of Moscow. One of these copies is at the Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo of Moscow and the other copy was sent to the monastery of the Metamorphosis of Christ in Novospaski.


See here all the available icons of Theotokos Pantanassa.


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Elder Papa Tychon of Mount Athos

Elder Papa Tychon of Mount Athos

Papa-Tychon was born in Novaya Mikhalovka, Russia, in 1884, from pious parents, Pavel and Elena. When he was seventeen, they gave him their blessing to go on a pilgrimage to the monasteries of Russia for three years. Completing that, he moved on to the God-trodden Mountain, Mount Sinai, for two months, and settled in the Holy Land, beyond the Jordan, to live as an ascetic for a while. Unfortunately, the elder couldn’t find his peace there because of the many pilgrims and was forced to leave for the Holy Mountain.

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Prayer for the Drivers - Prayer before driving

Prayer for the Drivers - Prayer before driving

Lord and Author of my life, before I take the wheel, I ask thee to help me use my car in serenity, caution and discipline. Take from me the spirit of impatience, selfishness and negligence. Let thy angel of peace and faithful guide guard me against all dangers of the road and keep me unharmed.

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Virgin Mary Pantanassa

Virgin Mary Pantanassa

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Prayer Rope with 50 Coral Beads

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Theotokos Pantanassa

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Syrah - Holy Great Monastery of Vatopedi

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