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Mother of God the Inexhaustible Chalice

Our Lady, Protector of Those Dependent on Alcohol and Substances


The icon of the Virgin Mary known as the «Inexhaustible Cup of Life» became known in the Orthodox world in 1878. It depicts the Mother of God with outstretched arms and Jesus Christ, as infant, standing within the Holy Chalice.


How did the icon of the «Inexhaustible Chalice» became known


The miraculous icon of Our Lady resided for many years in a province in Russia, but it was not yet known by the name «Inexhaustible Cup of Life». A remarkable event changed the course of this holy icon and revealed its Divine grace.


In the Efremovskaya district of the Tula province in Russia, a retired soldier named Stefan, lived there. This man suffered from the vice of drinking alcohol. His dependence on alcohol led him to squander all his possessions and fall into a pitiable condition.


However, one night Stefan had an extraordinarily unusual dream that deeply shook him.


The sign that led to the icon of Our Lady


At one point, a monk with imposing form  appeared in his dream and said the following words: «Go to the city of Serpukhov, to the Monastery of Our Lady. There you will find Her icon called the 'Inexhaustible Cup'. Pray in front of it and your body and soul will be cured immediately».


However, the man was reluctant and did not heed these words. The following night, the monk appeared again in his sleep insisting that he make the journey to venerate the icon.


After the third appearance of the monk, Stefan decided to obey the command and embark on the journey, despite his legs being weak due to paralysis. Thus, with great difficulty because of the condition of his legs, Stefan began his route to the city of Serpukhov.


Find here: icons of the Virgin Mary «The Inexhaustible Cup of Life»




The Unknown Icon of the Virgin Mary


When he arrived at the «Monastery of Vladychny», he asked to venerate the icon of the Virgin Mary «The Inexhaustible Cup»,  as he had been commanded. To his great surprise, however, no one knew this icon of the Virgin Mary by that name.


Then, one of the monks mentioned that the icon that Stefan was seeking, might be the one depicting the Virgin Mary with Jesus Christ inside the Holy Grail. This icon was placed in the shrine of the corridor that was leading from the Temple to the sacristy. Everyone was amazed when they read the inscription "The Inexhaustible Cup" on the back of the icon.


After this event, something even more remarkable happened. Stefan recognized the monk, who appeared to him in his dream, in the person of one of the two founders of the Monastery, Saint Barlaam.


The Healing from the Vice of Alcoholism


Stefan, who until then had been paralyzed and addicted to alcohol, returned from Serpukhov completely healed! Moreover, he no longer had any inclination towards the harmful habit of drunkenness.

The miraculous healing of Stefan from alcohol became the reason that more and more people from distant places came to worship the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary, the Inexhaustible Cup of Life.


What  the Virgin Mary "The Inexhaustible Cup" protects


After this miracle, a large number of people that were facing problems of addiction to alcohol, smoking, or hallucinogens, prayed to the holy icon of the Virgin Mary «The Inexhaustible Chalice». The faithful sought healing from their addictions and expressed their gratitude to the Theotokos.


Due to the countless miracles associated with the cure of addicted individuals, the miraculous icon of the Ever-Virgin Mary is considered a patron and helper of those who are dependent on alcohol and substances in general.


Find here: Maktro with the Inexhaustible Chalice




The disappearance of the icon "The Inexhaustible Cup"


In 1919, the monastery of the Virgin Mary in the city of Serpukhov was closed by the Communists and the entire complex, including the temples, changed its use. At that time, the holy icon of the Theotokos was relocated and placed in the Cathedral of Saint. Nicholas in Serpukhov.


During the years 1928-1930, there was an attempt to revive the celebration of the miraculous icon of the Theotokos, which had been interrupted due to persecutions. Following the demand of the Christians, the Metropolitan of the city, named Emmanuel, blessed 8 copies of the icon.


Around 1929, however, the atheists managed to close the Cathedral of St. Nicholas and everything inside was burned on the banks of the Nara River. Both the icon of the Virgin Mary «The Inexhaustible Cup» and its blessed copies disappeared, causing all worship ceremonies in honor of this specific icon to cease.


When the Inexhaustible Cup of Life celebrates


In 1990, Archimandrite Joseph restored the destroyed Visotsky Monastery in Serpukhov. Gradually, devotion and honor toward the holy icon of the Virgin Mary «The Inexhaustible Cup of Life» began to revive. The Virgin Mary is honored on May 5th and worship ceremonies in her honor continue to be held at the Monastery to this day.





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