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Thank you - Prayer of Saint Simeon the New Theologian

I give You thanks,

to me You are a light that knows no evening,

a sun that never sets.

You cannot remain hidden,

for You fill all things with your glory.

You never hide Yourself from anyone,

but we are always hiding from You,

not wishing to come near You.

For where could You hide Yourself,

since You have no place

in which to take Your rest?

Or why should You hide,

since You turn away from no one

and are afraid of none?

Pitch Your tent within me,

gracious Master;

Take up Your dwelling in me now

and remain in Your servant unceasingly,

inseparably, to the end.

At my departure from this life

and afterwards, may I be found in You and reign with You,

who are God over all.

Stay with me, Master, do not leave me alone.

When they find You dwelling within me,

my enemies who seek always to devour my soul,

will be put to flight;

They will have no more power against me,

when they see You,

who are more powerful than all,

lodging in the house of my humble soul.

You did not forget me, Master,

when I was in the world

and sunk in ignorance,

but You chose me

and separated me from the world

and set me up in the presence of Your glory.

Keep me constant and unshaken

in the interior dwelling-place

that You have made within me.

Though dead,

I live when I gaze on You;

Possessing You, though poor,

I am forever rich,

More wealthy than any ruler.

Eating and drinking You,

clothing myself in You from day to day,

I shall be filled with blessings and delight

beyond all telling.

For You are every blessing

and all splendor and joy,

and to You is due glory,

to the Holy, Consubstantial and Life-giving Trinity,

worshipped and confessed by all the faithful

and adored in Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

now and ever, and to the ages of ages.



Saint Simeon the New Theologian


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